
#fedora-fad Meeting

Meeting started by mchua at 13:38:55 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Day_4_.28Tuesday.2C_March_16.29 (mchua, 13:42:36)
    2. http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/show-them-the-code (rrix, 13:48:15)
    3. http://www.unicef.org/adolescence/index_43530.html (mchua, 13:49:34)
    4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rrix/4437537381/ (rrix, 13:49:38)
    5. http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/bruce-schneier-facts (rrix, 13:57:26)
    6. http://www.e-cookbooks.net/recipes/2185.htm (wonderer, 17:05:15)

  1. FAD summary (mchua, 17:19:46)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Event_Reports (mchua, 17:22:56)
    2. ACTION: review day 1 logs and action the ideas as much as possible (VileGent, 17:28:09)
    3. ACTION: review day 2 brainstorm and action the ideas as much as possible (queue party!) (mchua, 17:30:34)
    4. ACTION: mchua make sure we finish our deliverables on time and that they get SOP'd (mchua, 17:36:08)
    5. ACTION: ke4qqq talk to rbergeron about limesurvey (VileGent, 17:42:11)
    6. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/314 (rrix, 17:43:42)
    7. ACTION: mchua schedule ticketizing sprint for Sunday's brainstorm notes. (mchua, 17:43:56)
    8. gobby doc name is: marketing-fad-wrapup (mchua, 18:01:07)
    9. rharrison is awesome, and just took gorgeous pictures of a rocket-themed timer in all 60 countdown positions, for countdown graphics (I assume) (mchua, 18:26:17)
    10. rharrison is _really_ awesome :) (rrix, 18:26:43)
    11. http://www.orto-christian.com/catalog/images/emo_collarin-philadelphia.jpg <= this (tatica, 19:09:46)
    12. IDEA: Fedora Nap SIG (rrix, 20:08:00)
    13. it would give exhausted fedora developers a safe place to crash and sleep after a long afternoon (rrix, 20:08:42)
    14. AGREED: Fedora Nap SIG headed by hiemanshu (rrix, 20:09:38)
    15. AGREED: sponsors: rrix and mchua (rrix, 20:09:49)
    16. http://cdn1.knowyourmeme.com/i/27942/original/cute-puppy-pictures-puppies-nap-together.jpg (hiemanshu, 20:11:39)
    17. http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/funny-puppy-pictures-nap-attackz.jpg (hiemanshu, 20:12:56)

  2. FAD pretty much over - travel safely. Dead Ponies Spread No Rainbows (ke4qqq, 21:59:01)
    1. http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/16/ibm_dev_cloud_rhev/ (rrix, 21:59:49)

  3. FAD pretty much over - travel safely. Dead Ponies Spread No Rainbows (rrix, 22:00:23)
  4. FAD pretty much over - travel safely. Dead Ponies Spread No Rainbows (rrix, 22:00:34)
    1. http://www.darksites.com/evilplan.php if someone need to have such a plan... (wonderer, 22:23:13)

Meeting ended at 23:00:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. review day 1 logs and action the ideas as much as possible
  2. review day 2 brainstorm and action the ideas as much as possible (queue party!)
  3. mchua make sure we finish our deliverables on time and that they get SOP'd
  4. ke4qqq talk to rbergeron about limesurvey
  5. mchua schedule ticketizing sprint for Sunday's brainstorm notes.

Action items, by person

  1. ke4qqq
    1. ke4qqq talk to rbergeron about limesurvey
  2. mchua
    1. mchua make sure we finish our deliverables on time and that they get SOP'd
    2. mchua schedule ticketizing sprint for Sunday's brainstorm notes.
  3. rbergeron
    1. ke4qqq talk to rbergeron about limesurvey
    1. review day 1 logs and action the ideas as much as possible
    2. review day 2 brainstorm and action the ideas as much as possible (queue party!)

People present (lines said)

  1. mchua (115)
  2. rrix (88)
  3. ke4qqq (36)
  4. rbergeron (31)
  5. wonderer (30)
  6. ianweller (26)
  7. hiemanshu (19)
  8. tatica (15)
  9. zodbot (8)
  10. stickster (5)
  11. VileGent (5)
  12. spevack (3)
  13. mchua_afk (2)
  14. kital (1)
  15. rharrison (1)
  16. yn1v (0)
  17. rdieter (0)
  18. quaid (0)
  19. poelcat (0)

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