
#fedora-el: Fedora Greek Meeting 2012-03-15

Meeting started by liknus at 19:13:28 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (cmpahar, 19:14:19)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Greekteam_2012-03-15#Agenda (cmpahar, 19:15:51)

  2. Announcements (cmpahar, 19:16:09)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board (cmpahar, 19:18:38)

  3. Events (cmpahar, 19:20:50)
    1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule (cmpahar, 19:23:31)

  4. Events - FOSSCOMM 2012 (cmpahar, 19:25:07)
    1. http://serres.fosscomm.gr/ (cmpahar, 19:25:34)
    2. ACTION: cmpahar creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012 (cmpahar, 19:26:12)
    3. AGREED: να δημιουργείσουμε wiki page και να το εμπλουτίσουμε μέχρι τις 29/3 όπου και θα αποφασίσουμε στο meeting ποιες παρουσιάσεις θα πάνε στην fosscomm (cmpahar, 19:31:58)

  5. Swag (cmpahar, 19:41:59)
    1. ACTION: cmpahar ask for swag (cmpahar, 19:44:51)
    2. ACTION: file a budget request for creating buttons for the button machine and stickers (cmpahar, 19:49:32)

  6. Fedora Greek Website and Forum (cmpahar, 19:50:37)
    1. ACTION: comzeradd change capthca at our forum (cmpahar, 19:55:55)

  7. Open Floor (cmpahar, 19:58:48)

Meeting ended at 20:02:26 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. cmpahar creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012
  2. cmpahar ask for swag
  3. file a budget request for creating buttons for the button machine and stickers
  4. comzeradd change capthca at our forum

Action items, by person

  1. cmpahar
    1. cmpahar creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012
    2. cmpahar ask for swag
  2. comzeradd
    1. comzeradd change capthca at our forum

People present (lines said)

  1. cmpahar (143)
  2. dimirage (20)
  3. liknus (19)
  4. comzeradd (19)
  5. zodbot (11)
  6. nestos (5)
  7. jim_ailaion (3)
  8. dglaros (3)

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