21:28:20 <zoglesby> #startmeeting Docs Publishing Hackfest
21:28:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 14 21:28:20 2015 UTC.  The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:28:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:28:26 <zoglesby> #meetingname Fedora Docs
21:28:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
21:28:40 <zoglesby> #topic Hacking on Publishing
21:28:56 <zoglesby> #chair randomuser jsmith kushal mhayden
21:28:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith kushal mhayden randomuser zoglesby
21:30:38 <zoglesby> #link https://github.com/immanetize/anerist
21:33:25 <jsmith> #action randomuser to work on getting the buildbot setup in the Fedora Infra cloud
21:34:00 <jsmith> #action jsmith to work on the metadata extractor (after helping mhayden learn Publican)
21:34:12 <jsmith> #action kushal to work on metadata gatherer
21:35:25 <jsmith> #action bexelbie to start fleshing out potential HTML front-end designs
22:07:59 <zoglesby> video went out, computer went to sleep?
22:08:39 <zoglesby> going to cook food, wife is not feeling well, back in a bit
22:30:45 <jsmith> zoglesby: No, the Flock organizers stole the laptop while we were signing GPG keys
22:36:16 <zoglesby> jsmith: well thats not cool
22:37:14 <jsmith> No kidding.
22:37:33 <zoglesby> well okay :(
22:38:12 <jsmith> I just wrapped up teaching mhayden about DocBook and Publican
22:38:42 <mhayden> pretty easy once you see how to do it ;)
22:38:51 <mhayden> turns out rackspace uses docbooks too
22:39:27 <zoglesby> randomuser: take note ^^ show your skills make fore $$!
22:39:36 <zoglesby> s/fore/more/
22:39:45 <randomuser> yay!
22:40:10 <mhayden> haha
22:40:14 <mhayden> party time?
22:40:39 <jsmith> Yeah, unfortunately... I'd love to keep hacking on docs, but my stomach is saying "Food!"
22:41:34 <zoglesby> the hackfest got a bad slot
22:41:42 <pbokoc> tell me about it. For some reason, almost every place that delivers food in Brno closes at midnight... the nerve!
22:43:18 <bexelbie> bastards
22:43:27 <bexelbie> zoglesby, yes, it did
22:45:11 <jsmith> C'est la vie
22:46:15 <zoglesby> oh well, randomuser write names down. We can hunt them down to help later
22:52:33 <randomuser> zoglesby, did the person that stole you at least apologize?
22:52:59 <zoglesby> I was muted, but I did not hear them coming
22:53:30 <zoglesby> ninja
22:54:51 <randomuser> :/
22:54:53 <zoglesby> well if you are all going to eat, I am going to watch a movie with my kids, and will keep working later
22:55:22 <randomuser> cool. Let me know if you want to telezach more later
22:55:43 <zoglesby> randomuser: are you going out or staying there?
22:56:15 <randomuser> zoglesby, probably going to food or whatever museum soon, but I'd gladly park and hack with you later
22:56:44 <zoglesby> okay, I will ping you later if I get back to it.
22:56:48 <zoglesby> #endmeeting