16:01:54 <mizmo> #startmeeting
16:01:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 14 16:01:54 2015 UTC.  The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:02:04 <mizmo> #topic agenda
16:02:16 <mizmo> before we do the ticket dance, does anybody have anything to add to the agenda so we can be sure to get to it?
16:03:13 <mizmo> lol okay we'll do the dance then
16:03:18 <mizmo> if any ideas come up let me know tho
16:03:22 <mizmo> #topic tickets
16:03:40 <mizmo> okay first is aging tickets / >= 2 weeks
16:03:54 <mleonova> Hi, sorry I'm a bit late)
16:04:02 <mizmo> mleonova, you're right on time we're *just* starting now
16:04:04 <mizmo> :)
16:04:14 <mizmo> first ticket there is the ask.fpo ui project
16:04:15 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199
16:04:16 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199"
16:04:39 <mizmo> it looks like the last comment is anuradhaw asking for feedback
16:04:49 <mizmo> i think we had a feedback thread about this on the design-team list too iirc?
16:05:50 <mizmo> i think what i'll do is reply to that thread and see how things are going
16:06:33 <lhorakov> Can I have a question?
16:06:44 <lhorakov> about this ticket/199
16:07:19 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- riecatnor updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/369
16:07:51 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199
16:07:55 <mizmo> lhorakov, sure!
16:08:00 <mizmo> whats up?
16:08:30 <lhorakov> What is purpose of that ticket? Why their is mascot of owl?
16:08:51 <lhorakov> If the ticket should be about UX?
16:08:51 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199
16:09:27 <mizmo> lhorakov, well the ticket requested both usability/ux help and a logo, so it was kind of 2 requests in one
16:09:31 <mizmo> (the very last line is the logo request)
16:09:37 <mizmo> ideally this would be filed as two tickets
16:09:57 <gnokii> their logo isnt a owl
16:10:10 <mizmo> yeh those comments are from 4 years ago and it looks like there was some confusion
16:11:55 <lhorakov> Oh, ok. Before this meeting I just saw that mascot. I'm sorry, I don't know whose work it is, but I think someone shoul make it look easier, cause if it gets smaller it could look awkward. It's nice picture. But I think it suits more for some primary school for kids. No ofense. Just maybe it should be more serious.
16:12:19 <mizmo> yeh it makes sense, i think the focus of the ticket is now more the UX though
16:12:29 <mizmo> generally for fedora web properties we have a standard logo template we follow anyway
16:13:02 <mizmo> okay the next ticket is 279, design for this week in fedora
16:13:03 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/279
16:13:03 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/279"
16:13:36 <mizmo> i think for this one i'll just ask sadin for an update or if he wants to hand over the reins to someone else
16:13:55 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/279
16:14:10 <mizmo> next one 350 anaconda banner template
16:14:11 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350
16:14:11 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350"
16:14:49 <gnokii> suggestion for 279
16:15:03 <mizmo> sure
16:15:24 <gnokii> its something we could do with pingou at design clinic at flock, pingou will be there
16:15:56 * pingou will
16:16:50 <mizmo> oh that sounds good!
16:17:04 <mizmo> we should probably start a list of design clinic discussions too
16:17:26 <mizmo> we also had fedmenu as a topic for it i think
16:17:58 <mizmo> gnokii, do you know if sadin is coming to flock? i know he was thinking about it before
16:18:01 <gnokii> ralph had something, mattdm and pingou and lets see who else might have something
16:18:06 <mizmo> ryanlerch is coming :)
16:18:21 <gnokii> you mean Ryan to flock?
16:18:32 <mizmo> yep
16:18:34 <mizmo> he will be there!
16:18:37 <gnokii> Sadin did search for a place to sleep
16:18:44 <gnokii> great news
16:19:04 <mizmo> if ryan needs to get a new room maybe he can share with sadin
16:20:21 <mizmo> gnokii, do you remember what matt needed hep with? i think the fedmenu stuff was ralph's
16:20:28 <gnokii> mizmo: point for sadin was he cant afford the hotel
16:20:44 <gnokii> mizmo: I think it was a page for atomic
16:20:51 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- anuradhaw updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199
16:22:14 <mizmo> gnokii, if ryan has to book a new room anyway though, there will be an empty bed
16:22:22 <mizmo> gnokii, so it might not cost anything, depending on the circumstances
16:22:37 <gnokii> mizmo: ok then we should tell that Sadin
16:22:51 <mizmo> yep but lets see if ryan found a roommate too, if he did maybe that won't work
16:23:03 * mizmo looks for the atomic ticket (Was it a ticket?)
16:23:24 <mizmo> oh no ticket it's this https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2015-June/007200.html
16:23:39 <mizmo> okay
16:23:46 <mizmo> so i started a list for the clinic, i'll have to post it somewhere
16:23:49 <mizmo> will do at the end of the meeting
16:23:53 <mizmo> okay lets move on with tickets :)
16:24:02 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350
16:24:02 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350"
16:24:04 <mizmo> the anaconda template
16:24:19 <mizmo> i think this is a good start but needs more
16:24:29 <gnokii> robyduck: that comes better I think http://img.susepaste.org/d27bd4ed
16:24:39 <mizmo> well
16:24:42 <mizmo> maybe it's okay as is
16:25:13 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/350
16:25:14 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- anuradhaw updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199
16:25:41 <mizmo> next ticket - logo for pagure
16:25:42 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/362
16:25:42 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/362"
16:26:09 <mizmo> pingou, do you have thoughts on this one?
16:27:42 <mizmo> ill ask in the ticket :)
16:27:55 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/362
16:28:19 <mizmo> next one is logo guidelines for fedora.next
16:28:20 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366
16:28:20 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366"
16:28:41 <mizmo> i think kirkb isn't around today, i will ask for an update in the ticket
16:28:52 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366
16:28:54 <pingou> mizmo: if you have time about pagure later this week, could we discuss it a little?
16:29:22 <mizmo> pingou, sure!
16:29:26 <pingou> thanks
16:29:55 <mizmo> hey kirkB
16:30:02 <mizmo> we were just looking at one of your tickets
16:30:04 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366
16:30:21 <kirkB> Sorry to be late - no updates on 366 as I'm still trying to finish the design team wiki page ticket
16:30:28 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366"
16:30:30 <mizmo> oh okay that's fine
16:30:45 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/366
16:30:53 <mizmo> kirkB, do you need any feedback / help on the design wiki ticket?
16:31:40 <kirkB> I'm almost finished.  Just combing through the old page for final pieces missing.  Some of the old stuff looks really old (hackergotchi service for example).  I'll call those out as archived items so the team can review/approve - sound OK as an approach?
16:32:15 <kirkB> THis is the ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/364
16:32:37 <mizmo> definitely sounds good
16:32:42 <kirkB> One question
16:32:44 <mizmo> sure
16:32:56 <kirkB> You mentioned the desire to create sub-pages, but I read on the wiki guidelines that sub-pages are discouraged
16:33:45 <kirkB> I have no preference, just want to make sure I'm following the right guidelines
16:33:46 <mizmo> kirkB, really???
16:34:00 <mizmo> kirkB, most team pages do have subpages
16:34:06 <mizmo> so i think it's okay as long as we list them out clearly
16:34:11 <mizmo> it's way too much info for one page
16:34:18 <mizmo> team pages are really more like a mini site than a page
16:34:36 <mizmo> so maybe the guideline is more for single purpose pages (like, packaging guidelines document, or logo guidelines, things like that?)
16:34:56 <kirkB> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_structure#General_naming_rules
16:35:10 <kirkB> Do not nest pages in sub-folders, e.g. Topic/FAQ
16:35:28 <mizmo> ahh
16:35:34 <kirkB> I'd prefer to break the page up, as you say
16:35:37 <mizmo> so that's just for the naming
16:35:53 <mizmo> so instead of naming the new page Design/foobar they want it named something like design_foobar
16:35:59 <mizmo> it's just a stylistic thing, it's still a subpage but theres no /
16:36:15 <mizmo> i think it's fair, it helps make the pages more searchable i think
16:36:19 <mizmo> what do you think?
16:36:28 <kirkB> Hmm, ok, I will have to explore with sub-pages then, as I thought the name was how you created a subpage
16:37:07 <kirkB> I'm good with the name approach
16:37:24 <kirkB> I'll explore sub-pages via the wiki help
16:38:07 <mizmo> okay cool
16:38:14 <kirkB> Our current page is translated too - we'll lose that by switching?
16:38:30 <mizmo> thats true, but i think translated outdated content is about as useless as no translation
16:38:41 <kirkB> Agreed, ok thanks
16:39:00 <mizmo> ok next ticket is flock t-shirt
16:39:01 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/369
16:39:01 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/369"
16:39:20 <mizmo> holy boatload of designs riecatnor :)
16:39:24 <riecatnor> haha
16:39:33 * mizmo looks thru
16:39:35 <riecatnor> well their were a lot of things to try
16:39:49 <mizmo> i am only at 1 but i love the diagonal ribbon
16:40:19 <mizmo> ahhh 5 is awesome too
16:41:05 <mizmo> i think for me it's 4 or 5
16:41:09 <mizmo> what does everybody think?
16:41:20 <mizmo> i think multiple of the ideas we came up with worked as solutions here which is very cool
16:41:21 <kirkB> Still looking ...
16:41:46 <mizmo> i think i like 4 slightly better because the date/time details are in the circle
16:42:03 <mrichard> I personally like 2 and 3, the folded ribbon is a cool effect
16:42:24 <mizmo> oh yeh i like 3 a lot too
16:42:34 <mleonova> if I may, I like 2 the most - looks most natural
16:42:35 <mizmo> 2 i think the inner fold is too long maybe draws too much attention?
16:42:38 <mizmo> it's just right on 3 i think
16:42:39 <mizmo> lol
16:42:43 <mizmo> we are all over the place
16:42:49 <mizmo> honestly i think you can't go wrong with any of 1-5
16:42:53 * riecatnor struggle with natural ribbons
16:42:57 <mizmo> i think it's up to you riecatnor :)
16:43:01 <riecatnor> oh my
16:43:11 <kirkB> I like 10 too, just to throw that in there
16:43:24 <kirkB> Good symmetry
16:43:29 <mleonova> 1 is cool direction-wise, but the ribbon wouldn't go that way when bending
16:43:59 <mizmo> 1 almost looks like the ribbon bent backwards and the F is on the back side of it (does that make sense?)
16:44:08 <mrichard> i like the concept of 10 but i think it looks better in 6 when executed the opposite way
16:44:09 <mizmo> but you can't make it dark blue bc the fedora logo can't go on top then
16:44:17 <kirkB> I think 4's ribbon is too "straight" in contrast with the rest of the ribbon
16:44:35 <kirkB> I like 6 too mrichard, agreed
16:44:49 <mizmo> kirkB, i liked that straightness contrast about it, it looks calligraphic to me :)
16:44:50 <riecatnor> I was waiting to here what everyone liked.. my favorites are 2, 3, 8 & 15
16:45:04 <mleonova> imo 6 is better than 10 =)
16:45:39 <riecatnor> yes I like 6 better than 10 as well
16:45:54 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- rsuehle updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/369
16:45:55 <kirkB> Of those 4 riecatnor, I'd vote for 3
16:46:03 * mizmo votes for 3 too
16:46:11 * riecatnor tallys votes
16:46:38 <riecatnor> seems like 3
16:47:04 * mleonova likes 3, too =)
16:47:06 <riecatnor> the only thing with that one is, I still felt it was a bit unbalanced
16:47:10 <riecatnor> :/
16:47:12 <gnokii> urgh
16:47:23 <riecatnor> gnokii, thoughts?
16:47:50 <gnokii> riecatnor: none my machine stops when I try to open you file
16:47:59 <gnokii> its to huge for it
16:48:08 <riecatnor> sorry gnokii :/
16:48:21 <mizmo> riecatnor, maybe you could left-align the rochester / august text to counter weight?
16:48:41 <mizmo> oh i think i know what it is
16:48:47 <mizmo> it's the vertical height of the ribbon curl
16:48:55 <mizmo> if you squint it sticks down below just a hair too much
16:49:05 <mizmo> i dont think text repositioning would help
16:49:26 <riecatnor> I could try make the tail with the logo on it a bit smaller?
16:49:28 <mizmo> maybe 2 then?
16:49:35 <riecatnor> yeah, ok, so between 2 and 3
16:49:35 <mizmo> well what i'd do
16:49:37 <mrichard> maybe try something with a ribbon in between 2 and 3? 2 looks balanced
16:49:43 <mrichard> oh
16:49:44 <riecatnor> yeah
16:50:22 <mizmo> i'd keep the bottom f ribbon fragment on 3 same size, but kind of squish / perspectivize more the back ribbon above it
16:50:26 <mizmo> (does that make sense?)
16:50:36 <mizmo> maybe even shift the ribbon fragment or widen it more to the center of the design
16:50:45 <mizmo> to take out some of the negative triangle on the bottom
16:51:06 <mizmo> these are such nits though, if you just want to be done with it i think you're fine to just pick one you like and go with it, IMHO
16:51:16 <mizmo> they all look incredible to me
16:52:04 <riecatnor> ok mizmo, I will try a few little things and then choose one
16:52:11 <mizmo> cool thanks for working on this :)
16:52:23 <riecatnor> mizmo: of course!
16:52:34 <riecatnor> thanks for the help everyone
16:52:37 <mizmo> the last ticket ive got in this category is https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/373
16:52:42 <mizmo> Production of swag for F22
16:53:08 <mizmo> gnokii, hey
16:53:14 <gnokii> uurgh
16:53:19 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/373
16:53:20 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/373"
16:53:27 <mizmo> do you know where the sources for this artwork is? (in trac somewhere?)
16:53:31 <mizmo> (the f21 versions)
16:53:34 * gnokii has to punish riecatnor for such a huge file
16:53:51 <mizmo> i have a mockup that is over 10,000 pixels long somewhere lol
16:54:20 <mizmo> gnokii, i think these are them, but only in png https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/338
16:54:36 <riecatnor> gnokii: sorry!!
16:55:38 <gnokii> mizmo: I did not get it, my machine went wild and then gnome crashed so I did not see anything in irc
16:56:01 <mizmo> oh okay
16:56:11 <mizmo> we're looking at ticket 373
16:56:21 <mizmo> i found the old designs in https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/338 but there is only png, no svg or pdf
16:56:46 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/373
16:57:40 <gnokii> mizmo: I still have the source, I should put an monitor to the other laptop and try to start it
16:58:13 <mizmo> gnokii, it shouldn't be hard for ryan to recreate so if it's a huge burden dont worry aobu tit
16:58:18 <mizmo> but i was wondering how you handled the color space on it
16:58:25 <gnokii> ok
17:00:12 <mizmo> eg should he do a cmyk pdf?
17:01:08 <lhorakov> I think so, and the guy is czech, so with Fogra27 for European printers
17:01:44 <sam08> lhorakov, fogra39
17:02:22 <sam08> 27 is outdated, but he would be better checking with the printer
17:02:32 <gnokii> mizmo: I gave sesivany an cmyk pdf
17:03:10 <mizmo> oh okay
17:04:01 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/373
17:04:02 <gnokii> I doing that normally in a short communication always wit him directly
17:04:04 <mizmo> okay cool
17:04:09 <sesivany> yes, I have it in pdf.
17:04:26 <gnokii> but now the hired a designer in brno especially for that :)
17:04:57 * mleonova is listening
17:05:20 <mizmo> oh true :)
17:05:35 <mizmo> mleonova, would you be interested in taking over the ticket? it might be easier
17:05:52 <mleonova> mizmo, yes, sure
17:05:58 <mizmo> okay let me email ryan, i'll cc you
17:06:08 <mizmo> i noticed he picked up some of the newer flock tickets so he will probably appreciate the help
17:06:38 <mizmo> lhorakov, unfortunately it doesn't look like we have any open tickets now :( a lot of stalled ones though
17:06:47 <mizmo> did any go by that were stalled that looked interesting to you?
17:06:59 <lhorakov> ok, at least I would like to introduce to you all
17:07:06 <mizmo> please do :)
17:07:47 <gnokii> mizmo: we have a lot
17:07:54 <mizmo> gnokii, open?
17:07:58 <gnokii> we always forget badges trac
17:07:58 * mizmo is looking in untraiged
17:08:02 <mizmo> ohh thats true
17:08:10 <mizmo> there are some short deadline ones for flock too
17:08:27 <gnokii> and there must be one from robyduck to
17:08:29 <mizmo> lhorakov, are you interested more in UX design or graphic design or is either okay to you?
17:08:37 <gnokii> according to alpha banners
17:08:42 <mizmo> lhorakov, we do have a few high priority graphic design tickets open under badges
17:08:52 <mizmo> gnokii, is there a ticket for them?
17:08:58 <riecatnor> I was going to say lhorakov, you can work on badges
17:09:20 <gnokii> mizmo: I am not sure, but I saw it on list or trac and 2 days ago robyduck came to me
17:09:40 <lhorakov> Ok, so hi everyone, thanks for invating me to this meeting. I'm working for Red Hat for something more than 2 months, these are my portfolios, which aren't newest but:https://www.behance.net/lenkahorakova and this one http://lenkahorakova.com/    I wanted to find some community and maybe help with something. Currently I'm working as UX in Brno. So I would like to continue in this way, but I also visiting graphic studio AGD+M.
17:10:27 <lhorakov> Can I see that task about badges? Some more informations about that?
17:10:50 <mleonova> lhorakov, if you're in Brno, you can come by and say hi to me)
17:11:05 <riecatnor> lhorakov: this is where to get started with badge design https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/wiki/DesignResources
17:11:40 <mizmo> lhorakov, ooh welcome! are you on the engineering ux team or working with an engineering team (embedded)?
17:13:03 <mizmo> lhorakov, very nice portfolio!!
17:13:03 <lhorakov> Thanks for the link. I'm embedded.
17:13:18 <mizmo> oh okay cool i am same (on fedora eng team)
17:13:21 <kirkB> lhorakov, enjoying the portfolios - welcome!
17:13:35 <mizmo> let me try to find you the urgent badge ticket i saw today one sec
17:13:47 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/387
17:13:47 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/387"
17:13:47 <lhorakov> So today I have to go, but tomorrow I would react on badges, maybe I will have more questions. Thanks mleonova, I'll come by :)
17:14:06 <mizmo> cool sounds good, thank you for coming! we meet every 2 weeks here at this time slot
17:14:16 <gnokii> mizmo: I think I fixed robyduck s banners http://img.susepaste.org/6aa5c177
17:14:16 <mleonova> lhorakov, nice talking to you!
17:14:46 <riecatnor> hey mizmo, we are keeping it to 4 badges for flock i believe (attendee, speaker, organizer, event)
17:14:57 <mizmo> riecatnor, oh is the fooled one a no go then?
17:15:00 <gnokii> riecatnor: I did 3 of them yesterdaz
17:15:03 <lhorakov> ok. And if I'll have work done or more questions, whom can I contact?
17:15:11 <riecatnor> lhorakov: you can contact me about badges
17:15:14 <riecatnor> :)
17:15:15 <gnokii> i just wait for some input about party
17:15:29 <mizmo> lhorakov, and you can contact me about anything else, but asking around in this channel is good too
17:15:34 <mizmo> i'm only in tues-thurs
17:15:48 <gnokii> lhorakov: just cry into this irc here that you need work, I will cover you with work :)
17:16:20 <lhorakov> Ok, thanks. I will :). Bye for today.
17:16:23 <lhorakov> And thank you.
17:16:51 <mizmo> gnokii, hm i dont like the sailor, i am not sure why, the artwork itself is good but he reminds me of canned tuna
17:17:00 <mizmo> i think just the lighthouse alone might look good
17:17:44 <kirkB> You gots somthin gainst canned tuna?!?
17:17:48 <kirkB> ;)
17:17:50 <gnokii> no it didnt I was unhappy with
17:18:01 * mizmo <= vegetarian :)
17:18:03 <riecatnor> mizmo, this is a tough issue. lots of ideas for cool badges exist.. but 4 badges for one event is a good amount. and then once you begin adding in extras then it could become a little overwhelming when it comes to other events, and people disagreeing about what is worth it. if people want to get involved with badges, there are plenty of deserving badge tickets for areas that are underrepresented within the badge system
17:18:11 <mizmo> actually when i ate fish i loved tuna
17:18:46 <mizmo> riecatnor, seems fair, otherwise it gets too skewed to the few who can make it to live events
17:18:58 <mizmo> riecatnor, there should be plenty of other open badge tickets then tho right?
17:19:03 * gnokii cant eat fish
17:19:26 <riecatnor> also a very good point.. gnokii and I discussed this thoroughly at the FAD and came to this decision about flock
17:19:30 <riecatnor> badges
17:19:33 <riecatnor> yes!
17:19:39 <riecatnor> in fact, I am planning a big badges day
17:19:42 <riecatnor> for myself :)
17:19:47 <mizmo> oh sweet
17:19:52 <riecatnor> to get ready for Flock and make lists for newbies
17:20:07 <gnokii> riecatnor: the question is how to tell this decause and spot :)
17:20:17 <riecatnor> and to identify which badges need concepts/further information
17:20:51 <riecatnor> gnokii: tell them its fedora badges policy :)
17:23:06 <kirkB> Feels like meeting is wrapped?
17:24:56 <sam08> I have one question about the wallpaper.
17:24:56 <gnokii> i damit pingou happy bastille day :D
17:26:17 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.new -- rsuehle opened a new ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/392
17:27:17 <gnokii> no ruth ryan and me have done them in the past
17:28:05 <kirkB> sam08, ask away
17:28:15 <sam08> okay.
17:28:33 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- rsuehle updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/391
17:30:06 <sam08> well, will the thing I've posted be the default wallpaper? shall I try something else? shall I crop/resize it to the standard sizes?
17:30:54 <sam08> actually, it isn't *one* question...
17:32:39 <mizmo> sam08, i think it just needs some minor refinements
17:32:59 <mizmo> garrett suggested getting the high bit depth version of gimp (do you know how to do?) and adjusting the contrast
17:33:30 <mizmo> i would lower the contrast slightly (on the cc version, i don't think i'd use the raw) and maybe add a vignette?
17:33:36 <mizmo> sam08, what do you think?
17:35:55 <sam08> my concern about contrast is that the result is different depending on the screen you're displaying the picture, I'm working on a display that has a quite high contrast, but if I look at the same pattern on my laptop then it's different
17:36:26 <mizmo> sam08, i think you want to tune it so it won't be high contrast for most screens
17:36:37 <mizmo> it's... what do you call it? a high frequency image
17:36:47 <mizmo> i think both tuning down the contrast a bit and adding the vignette would help a lot with that
17:36:55 <mizmo> you don't want to draw the eye around with it, it should just fade into the background
17:37:01 <mizmo> do you want me to poke at it?
17:38:03 <sam08> I have time now to do some fine tuning, I've been busy with exams during the last few weeks :)
17:38:12 <mizmo> okay cool
17:38:19 <mizmo> i dont remember the deadline, i think it is pretty soon
17:38:21 <mizmo> to get it packaged
17:38:23 * mizmo checks
17:38:53 <mizmo> alpha freeze is 7/28
17:39:00 <sam08> but... i think the vignette should be added once cropped at 16:9!
17:39:01 <mizmo> so we probably want to give it to a packager by 7/20
17:39:29 <mizmo> sam08, yeh i think you have to add it for each cropping, we do 16:9 and 5:4 and what is the other
17:39:39 <sam08> 4:3?
17:40:02 <mizmo> 4:3 and there's a new one, tv wide? is that 16:10?
17:40:37 <mizmo> tv wide is 1920x1080, wide is 1920x1200
17:41:28 <sam08> well, I'll crop the 4k, add the vignette, and then downscale
17:43:34 <mizmo> okay sounds good
17:43:37 <mizmo> keep us updated!
17:43:43 <sam08> mizmo, I really have to go now, I'll start working on it tonight and post updates to the list!
17:43:44 <mizmo> remember we need the final files to ship by 4/20
17:43:51 <mizmo> so if you need any help or think you won't make it let us know asap
17:43:52 <mizmo> cool
17:43:54 <mizmo> later :)
17:43:57 <mizmo> i should probably closet he meeting now :)
17:44:00 <mizmo> #endmeeting