
#fedora-classroom: Introduction to crontab

Meeting started by ardchoille at 01:00:06 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Introduction (ardchoille, 01:00:30)
  2. What is crontab? (ardchoille, 01:01:26)
  3. What is cron? (ardchoille, 01:05:39)
  4. Who can use crontab? (ardchoille, 01:12:18)
  5. Crontab and its options (ardchoille, 01:14:48)
  6. How it works (ardchoille, 01:20:49)
  7. The crontab file (ardchoille, 01:23:11)
    1. (ardchoille, 01:24:37)

  8. Examples (ardchoille, 01:26:58)
  9. Setting up a cronjob (ardchoille, 01:35:26)
  10. Crontab error handling (ardchoille, 01:43:19)
  11. Related reading (ardchoille, 01:49:42)
  12. Q and A (ardchoille, 01:50:49)

Meeting ended at 01:58:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. ardchoille (128)
  2. nirik (3)
  3. p3nguin (3)
  4. nb (3)
  5. zodbot (3)
  6. evilfix (3)
  7. N3LRX (1)
  8. Spencer_tt (1)
  9. seemant (1)
  10. bapa (1)
  11. kc8hfi (1)

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