ACTION: jlaska will
investigate improving the autopart + shrink test cases for Fedora
AGREED: on 517491:
since the patch only touches the ext* resize codepath and resizing
ext is mostly broken without it, accepted on the basis it's very
unlikely to cause regressions(adamw,
AGREED: on 517491:
ask arenas belon to be more clear on how claimed testing wiht 12.42
was done before unlinking that report(adamw,
AGREED: 531423 is not
a release blocker, downgrading to target: ray is still welcome to
file a tag request to have the fix included in final, up to releng
whether to accept(adamw,
AGREED: 529982 does
not have enough info to accept as a blocker, and there do not appear
to be any other duplicate reports indicating it's not a common
AGREED: 505100 drops
to F12Target, team is aiming to fix as a 0-day update, impact during
installation is not big enough to warrant it being a blocker(adamw,
AGREED: 530393 is not
serious enough (and may be caused by bad hardware): dropped from the
ACTION: eparis to
provide a test kernel for 530393 soon, and put it back on the
blocker list if he decides it was more serious than we
AGREED: 526549
pending drop from blocker status if virt team confirms that there is
no reason to run 32-bit fedora on a kvm host machine as we
ACTION: jlaska to
confirm our evaluation of 526549 with the virt team and drop from
blocker list if they agree(adamw,
AGREED: 526044 is
stated not to be a security or DoS issue, will just lead to polkitd
getting restarted if it's crashed this way: not a blocker (per
AGREED: 517625 is
probably the same as 531147 and 528593, a big issue with recent
chips we are trying to pin down. we suspect it occurs on combination
of r600+ chipset graphics card and ICH9/ICH10 Intel motherboard. it
is accepted as blocker, airlied + glisse + adamw are
ACTION: glisse and
airlied and adamw to investigate and try to get appropriate hardware
to reproduce 517625, adamw to triage all three reports to try and
confirm all reporters have the suspected hardware combination(adamw,
AGREED: 531383 may be
idiosyncratic hardware, others with similar hardware report no such
problem. status pending further investigation(adamw,
ACTION: 531383 glisse
to try and reproduce, adamw to follow up with test-list tester with
Xpress 200m to see if he reproduces(adamw,
AGREED: 531675 is not
serious enough to be a release blocker, but releng will accept a tag
request if they want to put it in final. drop to target(adamw,
denise ensure patch for 474225 is added to f12 branch
jlaska to retest 517260 with live image
jlaska will investigate improving the autopart + shrink test cases for Fedora 13
jlaska to test 526789 when next anaconda build is done
anaconda team to ensure fix for 526925 keeps translations for the back button
jlaska to re-test 526925 with next anaconda build, including testing in Swedish to make sure the button is translated
adamw and jlaska to re-test 528317
jlaska to re-test 531052 with next live build
jlaska to track down someone who can provide info on 528909
adamw, jlaska to test 512944, adamw to ping bug for community re-testing
527209 adamw to document workaround for 527209 in common_bugs
adamw to ping davej on 528537 report
eparis to provide a test kernel for 530393 soon, and put it back on the blocker list if he decides it was more serious than we thought
adamw to summarize current state of debate on 531924 on the report
jlaska to confirm our evaluation of 526549 with the virt team and drop from blocker list if they agree
adamw to note fixed build for 529349 and ask bastien to re-test
jlaska, adamw or oxf13 to close 531581 once updated plymouth is tagged
glisse and airlied and adamw to investigate and try to get appropriate hardware to reproduce 517625, adamw to triage all three reports to try and confirm all reporters have the suspected hardware combination
adamw to request reporter test kernel -105 for 522970
531383 glisse to try and reproduce, adamw to follow up with test-list tester with Xpress 200m to see if he reproduces
jlaska to get his sorry ass in gear and provide info on 514600
528874 no action required, davidz is using it as a reminder-to-self and to justify a tag request
Action items, by person
adamw and jlaska to re-test 528317
adamw, jlaska to test 512944, adamw to ping bug for community re-testing
527209 adamw to document workaround for 527209 in common_bugs
adamw to ping davej on 528537 report
adamw to summarize current state of debate on 531924 on the report
adamw to note fixed build for 529349 and ask bastien to re-test
jlaska, adamw or oxf13 to close 531581 once updated plymouth is tagged
glisse and airlied and adamw to investigate and try to get appropriate hardware to reproduce 517625, adamw to triage all three reports to try and confirm all reporters have the suspected hardware combination
adamw to request reporter test kernel -105 for 522970
531383 glisse to try and reproduce, adamw to follow up with test-list tester with Xpress 200m to see if he reproduces
glisse and airlied and adamw to investigate and try to get appropriate hardware to reproduce 517625, adamw to triage all three reports to try and confirm all reporters have the suspected hardware combination
denise ensure patch for 474225 is added to f12 branch
eparis to provide a test kernel for 530393 soon, and put it back on the blocker list if he decides it was more serious than we thought
glisse and airlied and adamw to investigate and try to get appropriate hardware to reproduce 517625, adamw to triage all three reports to try and confirm all reporters have the suspected hardware combination
531383 glisse to try and reproduce, adamw to follow up with test-list tester with Xpress 200m to see if he reproduces
jlaska to retest 517260 with live image
jlaska will investigate improving the autopart + shrink test cases for Fedora 13
jlaska to test 526789 when next anaconda build is done
jlaska to re-test 526925 with next anaconda build, including testing in Swedish to make sure the button is translated
adamw and jlaska to re-test 528317
jlaska to re-test 531052 with next live build
jlaska to track down someone who can provide info on 528909
adamw, jlaska to test 512944, adamw to ping bug for community re-testing
jlaska to confirm our evaluation of 526549 with the virt team and drop from blocker list if they agree
jlaska, adamw or oxf13 to close 531581 once updated plymouth is tagged
jlaska to get his sorry ass in gear and provide info on 514600
anaconda team to ensure fix for 526925 keeps translations for the back button
528874 no action required, davidz is using it as a reminder-to-self and to justify a tag request