
#fedora-board-meeting: Fedora Board Meeting

Meeting started by jreznik at 16:00:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Board Members Roll Call (jreznik, 16:00:40)
    1. jreznik jsmith ke4qqq rdieter_work abadger1999 present (jreznik, 16:03:37)
    2. smooge present too (jreznik, 16:06:17)
    3. jds2001 unable to make it today, as he's not feeling well (jsmith, 16:06:23)

  2. Updates (jreznik, 16:06:50)
    1. FUDCon Panama was a great success -- not only did people show up to learn and to grow, but they showed up to work as well (jreznik, 16:08:50)
    2. kital is present as well (jsmith, 16:08:51)
    3. FUDCon EMEA will be in Milan, Italy from September 30th through October 2nd (jreznik, 16:09:11)
    4. FUDCon APAC 2011 is currently open for bids, we'll be opening bidding for FUDCon APAC 2012 soon as intention is to have APAC earlier in the year (not November/December term) (jreznik, 16:10:46)
    5. FUDCon NA hotel contracts will be finished up in June (jsmith, 16:11:29)
    6. FUDCon North America will be in Blacksburg, Virginia on the campus of Virginia Tech in January of 2012 (jreznik, 16:11:50)

  3. Questions and answers (jreznik, 16:18:32)
    1. jsmith to schedule meeting for next week to go over the retrospective (jreznik, 16:25:07)
    2. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2649/5808395279_7b63de4388_o.png (tatica, 16:38:33)

Meeting ended at 17:03:08 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. jsmith (67)
  2. jreznik (58)
  3. tatica (24)
  4. DrManhattan (16)
  5. ke4qqq (16)
  6. dcr226 (12)
  7. gholms (11)
  8. mbouffard (10)
  9. Haowei (9)
  10. herlo (9)
  11. Southern_Gentlem (9)
  12. KolonelPanic (8)
  13. elad661 (7)
  14. rdieter_work (6)
  15. zodbot (5)
  16. orvtech (5)
  17. mharris (5)
  18. smooge (3)
  19. hiemanshu (2)
  20. kanarip (2)
  21. abadger1999 (2)
  22. kital (1)
  23. thomasj (1)

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