00:24:11 <quaid> #startmeeting
00:24:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb  6 00:24:11 2010 UTC.  The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
00:24:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:24:20 <quaid> we are a loggin'
00:24:25 <lcafiero> woo hoo
00:24:26 <quaid> #chair vwbusguy lcafiero VileGent
00:24:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: VileGent lcafiero quaid vwbusguy
00:24:40 <quaid> that means you all can use e.g. #link or #topic to share the burden :)
00:24:45 <lcafiero> Run that link by me again, quaid?
00:24:50 <quaid> look up
00:25:00 <quaid> about 8 lines ago
00:25:01 <lcafiero> yeah, but it doesn't "link"
00:25:08 <lcafiero> you have a . before the h
00:25:15 <lcafiero> I'll just copy -- hang on
00:25:18 <quaid> http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
00:25:27 <quaid> the .messes it up huh?
00:25:29 <quaid> http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
00:25:30 <quaid> there
00:25:34 <lcafiero> I guess
00:25:42 <quaid> # http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
00:25:44 <quaid> :)
00:25:48 <quaid> #link http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
00:25:51 <quaid> anyway, the real link is ...
00:26:00 <quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE_8x_planning_meeting-01
00:26:04 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE_8x_planning_meeting-01
00:26:08 * quaid still learning :)
00:26:16 <lcafiero> Got it. Thanks.
00:26:17 <quaid> sorry, lcafiero was confused for a moment about what you meant
00:26:29 <lcafiero> What to do for the FAD?
00:26:37 <quaid> that's probably the big one
00:26:43 <quaid> I could use help with the Summer coding
00:26:49 <lcafiero> Max mentioned something about Zikula
00:26:50 <quaid> and it's pretty important
00:26:51 <VileGent> lcafiero,  #link #action are the main ones you need
00:27:00 <lcafiero> Or summer coding
00:27:05 <quaid> I talked with some folks, Zikula isn't going to be able to use us aiui
00:27:25 <quaid> so the deal with summer coding ... it's a SIG that is focused on the Google Summer of Code
00:27:31 <quaid> and I have been behind on getting it moving
00:27:35 <VileGent> then summer codeing
00:27:40 <quaid> it's important, too
00:27:43 <lcafiero> Summer coding
00:27:58 <quaid> #link http://iquaid.org/2009/11/04/summer-coding-benefits-to-fedora-project-and-jboss-org/
00:28:21 <quaid> so we met with some folks and have a mailing list but ... no one else is doing as much with it
00:28:25 * quaid gets some more inks
00:28:42 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_Coding_SIG
00:28:42 <vwbusguy> so that will be the focus for FAD?
00:28:48 <quaid> but ...
00:28:52 <quaid> if people don't want to do that, it sucks :)
00:29:09 <quaid> I guess ...
00:29:14 <quaid> if I can convince all of you here that it's a good idea
00:29:16 <VileGent> quaid,  why shouldnt we work on that if it needs attention
00:29:21 <quaid> then that's a majority of attendees so far :)
00:29:30 <quaid> VileGent: I appreciate that!
00:29:35 <lcafiero> Well, we'll announce it, and SCaLE will have a press release going out on it as soon as we decide what it will be.
00:29:41 * lcafiero has that on the highest authority
00:29:42 <quaid> I just didn't want my priorities to become our priorities de facto
00:29:50 <quaid> lcafiero: cool!
00:29:54 <quaid> ok, so ...
00:30:02 <quaid> vwbusguy: what do you think?
00:30:54 <VileGent> he was grabbing something to test
00:30:54 <vwbusguy> sounds fine to me if that's what others want to do
00:31:10 <vwbusguy> (fighting pyjigdo on the side)
00:31:23 <VileGent> screw pyjigdo use jigdo
00:31:40 <herlo> yeah, because pyjigdo sucks
00:31:49 <herlo> because well, it's python </sarcasm>
00:31:54 <vwbusguy> quaid, but I'm fine with SoC stuff
00:32:17 <VileGent> herlo no the maintainer hasnt had time to iron out some bugs
00:33:12 <VileGent> at this point we will have f12 re-spins at SCALE
00:33:37 <quaid> whee!
00:33:43 <quaid> sounds good to me
00:33:46 <vwbusguy> quaid, wan't there originally going to be some font packaging?
00:33:54 <quaid> vwbusguy: that was last year?
00:34:12 <quaid> #action quaid to clean-up Summer Coding SIG pages to make it clear what needs doing for FAD
00:34:16 <lcafiero> I proposed that -- that was last year.
00:34:22 <lcafiero> +1
00:35:13 <quaid> #action quaid and lcafiero to collaborate on materials for the press release
00:35:57 <lcafiero> OK -- will need it quickly, although for SCALE's purposes, just announcing what we're doing and where (Kennedy room, I believe), will suffice
00:37:08 <lcafiero> Booth details?
00:37:42 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, I sent that info in the email
00:38:03 <VileGent> you did??
00:38:19 <VileGent> only email i saw was the code to register for SCALE
00:38:22 <lcafiero> Regarding codes and such, right, vwbusguy?
00:39:06 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, hmm, I have our booth info
00:39:14 <vwbusguy> pulling up the doc now
00:39:55 <vwbusguy> booth 43
00:40:02 <lcafiero> Right.
00:40:07 <quaid> hmm
00:40:09 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  on the wiki page would be the best please
00:40:14 <quaid> since we are there ...
00:40:24 <quaid> #topic booth position discussion ...
00:40:26 <vwbusguy> 1 500W outlet, 1 6' table w/ Ethernet Port
00:40:42 <vwbusguy> we're in the Westin Grand Ballroom
00:40:46 * quaid guesses zodbot doesn't have auth to change the topic here
00:40:53 * quaid hopes it doesn't matter
00:40:59 <vwbusguy> VileGent, ok
00:41:01 <quaid> vwbusguy: does it show a map?
00:41:16 <quaid> last year we were in the far back row ...
00:41:26 <quaid> we discussed blue Fedora logo balloons
00:41:40 <vwbusguy> quaid, yes
00:42:04 <vwbusguy> map ison page 7
00:42:06 <VileGent> have the vertical banners been shipped yet
00:42:13 <quaid> we may want to take care about sharing that on the wiki if it's not clearly licensed to do so
00:42:15 <vwbusguy> jds2001 ?
00:42:29 <vwbusguy> last I talked to jds2001 they were en route, but haven't made it here yet
00:42:44 <lcafiero> Jon Stanley
00:42:56 <inode0> we should get fedora balloons
00:43:05 <lcafiero> The event box is fairly low on swag.
00:43:09 <vwbusguy> inode0 Blue and White ones
00:43:14 <vwbusguy> inode0, with horseshoes on them
00:43:16 <quaid> ok, 43 is definitely in the thick of things
00:43:28 <VileGent> yep
00:43:53 <quaid> lcafiero: I think we have a topic in the agenda for that
00:43:56 <VileGent> you guys have a horizonial banner correct
00:44:03 <quaid> we did :)
00:44:03 <vwbusguy> quaid, we can't share that on the wiki as it has our registration codes
00:44:42 <quaid> vwbusguy: yeah, if you could just put the booth number, position (middle row, right side, facing entrace?)
00:45:01 <vwbusguy> quaid, sure
00:45:07 <vwbusguy> #action update wiki with booth info
00:45:53 <VileGent> trip to home depot for some 2" pvc pipe and we could put the h banner in the air
00:46:13 <vwbusguy> or steal the PVC out of Ubuntu's
00:46:20 <lcafiero> h banner?
00:46:28 <vwbusguy> h = horizontal
00:46:31 <lcafiero> Oh.
00:46:56 <lcafiero> Why would we do that? It worked fine on the floor at UTOSC.
00:47:11 <lcafiero> Oh wait.
00:47:25 <lcafiero> A horizontal banner and a vertical one, too?
00:48:01 <VileGent> brainstroming what we can do if we cant get ballons
00:48:07 <lcafiero> Oh.
00:48:10 <lcafiero> I missed that.
00:48:10 <quaid> we can get blue balloons
00:48:32 <vwbusguy> quaid, just blue or blue with Fedora logo?
00:48:34 <quaid> hmm ... pvc pipe for h banner is an idea
00:48:45 <quaid> #idea pvc pipe for h banner
00:48:52 <quaid> vwbusguy: just blue == can do
00:49:11 <quaid> they could be used to hold a logo on $material
00:49:23 <quaid> I don't want to be obnoxious ...
00:49:32 <quaid> I just felt buried last year
00:49:47 <lcafiero> We didn't have the vertical banners last year.
00:49:51 <lcafiero> I think that'll make a difference
00:50:38 <quaid> word
00:50:41 <quaid> and the position helps
00:50:46 <VileGent> 4 x 2' long  4 tees 2 90 degree pieces  2 2" pieces 2 6' pieces
00:50:48 * quaid shuts up about that now
00:51:04 <quaid> what else is left to do for the booth?
00:51:20 <lcafiero> heh
00:51:20 <VileGent> 2 X how high you want to go
00:51:24 <quaid> #action gather together Fedora + Red Hat + Sugar(?) talks to promote on our handout
00:51:29 <vwbusguy> OLPC's and presentation laptops
00:51:43 <quaid> what's the networking situation?
00:51:48 <vwbusguy> one ethernet port
00:51:56 <vwbusguy> and shared wireless
00:52:07 <lcafiero> we have a router in the event box.
00:52:10 <VileGent> box has  and i will be packing as well
00:52:13 <vwbusguy> of course we could also share the ethernet connection with NetworkManager
00:52:46 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  the location may not like us running wireless
00:53:03 <vwbusguy> true, true
00:53:08 <vwbusguy> oh, and food
00:53:19 <vwbusguy> they don't like people bringing in food either
00:53:28 <vwbusguy> there are several eateries within walking distance though
00:53:53 <VileGent> hopefully there is a drink machine close by
00:54:15 <quaid> ok, we'll put up our own hub+wifi regardless
00:54:21 <quaid> so we can have fast LAN in the booth
00:54:33 <quaid> note: I hate wire spaghetti
00:54:38 <vwbusguy> lol
00:54:38 <VileGent> and i will have my portable mirror
00:54:39 <lcafiero> Right -- we had an issue with that last year. We can bring food into our rooms, but not into the Kennedy Room for the FAD.
00:55:07 <lcafiero> So I propose we all wear trenchcoats and smuggle the bagles and coffee in.
00:55:32 <lcafiero> Also, hardware -- I will be bringing power strips and extension cords so we aren't charged an arm and a leg like we were last year
00:55:54 <quaid> ok, that's the FAD room discussion ...
00:55:58 <quaid> are we done with the booth?
00:55:59 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, at least beer, if we're going to be coding
00:56:13 <quaid> that works
00:56:23 <quaid> I'll drive a van to the FAD dinner :)
00:56:38 <vwbusguy> I'll have my jeep as well
00:56:48 <lcafiero> Oh, sorry
00:56:53 <quaid> not if you are drinking on Friday :)
00:57:04 <quaid> lcafiero: no worries, I see we might need to move on
00:57:07 <quaid> so ...
00:57:10 <quaid> #topic FAD needs
00:57:13 <quaid> we have a topic
00:57:23 <quaid> wires and such
00:57:23 * lcafiero has a hard time keeping track of this and working at the same time
00:57:28 <quaid> lcafiero: aye
00:57:31 <vwbusguy> lol @ lcafiero
00:57:36 <quaid> it would help if the topic were actually changed
00:57:52 <vwbusguy> ah, requires op
00:58:14 <quaid> ok
00:58:22 <VileGent> well we could have went into meeting-1
00:58:23 <quaid> yeah, zodbot don't have that
00:58:26 <quaid> we could
00:58:32 <quaid> but we're here now :)
00:58:42 <quaid> so, FAD needs?
00:58:44 <VileGent> yes
00:58:57 <quaid> food ... last year I did shoppiing before leaving Santa Cruz
00:59:08 <quaid> and spread it on the table, and promptly got in trouble
00:59:27 <quaid> but we can't NOT have food for our teams
00:59:37 <quaid> so if we dispersed food to each person's personal bag
00:59:49 <quaid> they can't object to "brown bag lunch"
00:59:54 <quaid> it's not as friendly ...
01:00:08 <quaid> and try for a clear lunch break out in the world
01:00:25 * quaid has a backpack ... with a big box of coffee in it
01:00:35 <vwbusguy> coffee is requires
01:00:38 <vwbusguy> *required
01:00:54 <vwbusguy> but a definitely lunch time will probably have to be the way to go
01:00:55 <quaid> #action quaid to shop for food before he leaves hometown
01:01:07 <VileGent> like i said i hope they have a drink machine
01:01:08 <quaid> #action FAD schedule needs to be created on webpage
01:01:17 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE_8x_2010_FAD
01:01:30 <quaid> I'm going to dump a few things from here there right now
01:02:01 <lcafiero> And bring extension cords and power strips (see above)
01:02:04 * lcafiero takes a bow
01:04:09 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE_8x_2010_FAD#Schedule
01:04:11 <quaid> how does that sound
01:04:14 * quaid adds wires and stuff now
01:04:16 <lcafiero> The room has wireless and I think it has a projector
01:04:35 <quaid> yeah, the wireless was weird last year, but it did work for spurts
01:04:44 <quaid> I'm sure the organizers were aware and will be on that
01:04:56 <quaid> but that's why having our own network is key so we can work offline
01:04:57 <quaid> oh!
01:05:01 <quaid> can anyone bring
01:05:05 <quaid> a repo of F12 and Rawhide
01:05:24 <quaid> it needs to be full ideally so we can do spins locally
01:05:26 <vwbusguy> why rawhide?
01:05:38 <VileGent> quaid,  i will have a portable mirror
01:05:42 <quaid> if rawhide is testable ...
01:05:59 <quaid> then we can give out USB keys with a live rawhide to test :)
01:06:03 <quaid> VileGent: thank you
01:06:11 <VileGent> i am not syncing  rawhide but i can
01:06:24 <quaid> #action VileGent will bring the portable mirror of F12 updates, rawhide too if possible
01:07:28 <quaid> ok, anything more on the FAD?
01:07:42 <quaid> I can be FAD owner
01:07:57 <vwbusguy> that is fine with me
01:08:18 * quaid wouldn't shove this one on anyone anyway :)
01:08:25 <vwbusguy> lol
01:08:32 <quaid> I'll note the assignments there so we can take turns with "door monitor"
01:09:00 <quaid> people drop by and need to get acclimated or sorted out; it's disruptive to the getting done of things of the people involved in that are also doing the door
01:09:27 <quaid> but last year the door was really important, good chance to introduce people to the project, etc.
01:10:27 <lcafiero> I can do that, as I did last year.
01:10:44 <quaid> we can also rotate
01:10:53 <lcafiero> OK
01:11:02 <quaid> let's have you to start then :)
01:11:29 <lcafiero> OK, but bear in mind you and I have to go to WIOS at 10:30, I think.
01:11:47 <VileGent> we can see what shows up, if someone shows up needing help with fedora i can help them
01:12:14 <quaid> lcafiero: oh yeah
01:12:19 <quaid> I think that's 10 to 10:50
01:12:29 * vwbusguy will be right back
01:12:31 * quaid smacks himself in the head
01:12:40 <quaid> well, if I can leave the tasks clear enough
01:12:45 <quaid> stuff can happen without me there :)
01:13:02 <quaid> I'm going to bump the schedule back a bit
01:13:15 <quaid> or is it too gross to suggest we start before 9?
01:13:19 <lcafiero> Actually, we can get folks started and then turn it over to capable hands . . . .
01:13:24 <quaid> yes
01:14:21 <VileGent> what is the kennedy room times
01:14:33 <lcafiero> I don't think so -- but I'm always up way before 9
01:14:42 * quaid hopes we can get in early even if it means official signing in and such isn't occuring
01:15:04 <quaid> this year I can leave girls in the hands of Debbie, so I'll have incentive to get up and out early :)
01:15:27 <VileGent> we will see about how jet lagged i am but 9 should be ok
01:15:57 <lcafiero> Registration starts at 8, so there's no reason why folks can't go straight up to Kennedy after that.
01:16:15 <lcafiero> Let me check with Gareth at #scale
01:16:34 <quaid> well, I put on an 8:30 start now
01:16:39 <quaid> and see if that works in real time :)
01:16:54 * herlo notes he will not be in until Friday night and not to count on him...
01:17:01 <quaid> herlo: we'll miss ya!
01:17:08 <quaid> herlo: when do you land?
01:17:11 <lcafiero> Dang.
01:17:24 <herlo> quaid: driving
01:17:38 <herlo> leaving here abt 3pm and getting there about 1-2am
01:17:43 <quaid> vwbusguy: did you have an ideas of where to eat for dinner on Friday? or where to look for ideas?
01:17:52 <quaid> herlo: ah!
01:17:57 <quaid> see you at the pool then
01:18:31 <herlo> yeah! at 3am :)
01:18:32 <quaid> that's all the FAD topics I see/think of
01:18:44 * quaid needs his beauty sleep Friday night
01:19:22 <herlo> quaid: ahh :(
01:19:30 <quaid> #action vwbusguy to find somewhere for FAD dinner or tell someone else to find somewhere -- before the Friday :)
01:19:36 <herlo> btw, good luck on your keynote, I'll be there with my heckling bells on
01:19:46 <herlo> :)
01:19:48 <quaid> herlo: send an sms to me, I'll have my phone off if I'm asleep :)
01:19:52 <quaid> sweet!
01:20:14 <quaid> #topic Sat night events?
01:20:17 <herlo> quaid: I will do so, but I don't have your phone number anymore, since I changed phones...
01:20:27 <quaid> is there a birds of a feather type thing or something or should we form a karaoke party or something?
01:20:31 <herlo> quaid: we should take the kiddos to something
01:20:39 <quaid> herlo: you have the same phone number?
01:20:47 <herlo> yeah
01:20:58 <herlo> and wear them out more :)
01:21:18 * quaid buzzes herlo's phone
01:21:40 <herlo> beeped, rather :)
01:21:51 <VileGent> legolannd LOL
01:21:54 <quaid> whatever tickles ya
01:21:58 <quaid> VileGent: for dinner?
01:22:02 <quaid> oh Sat!
01:22:03 <quaid> ooooh
01:22:09 <quaid> VileGent: how far is legoland?
01:22:23 <VileGent> no idea
01:22:38 <herlo> quaid: it's a bit of a distance away
01:22:45 <lcafiero> Yeah, it's far.
01:22:45 <quaid> :(
01:23:00 <lcafiero> You know, last year the girls couldn't be dragged from the pool
01:23:11 <VileGent> quaid,  saturday i am flying out on the redeye
01:23:24 <VileGent> 10:55
01:23:41 <quaid> ok
01:23:45 <VileGent> so i need to go to the airport 830ish
01:24:02 <lcafiero> Right -- there should be a shuttle from the hotel.
01:24:03 <tatica> hi :)
01:24:06 <quaid> #link
01:24:12 <quaid> #link http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/special-events/birds-feather
01:24:16 <quaid> hi tatica
01:24:32 <quaid> there are rooms available
01:24:38 <tatica> oh sorry... you're in a meeting
01:24:47 <VileGent> no tatica
01:24:55 <quaid> we could get one for 8 to 10
01:25:17 <lcafiero> stick around tatica.
01:25:34 <quaid> tatica: technically, yes, but we hijacked the channel, so you are welcome in the social sense, too :)
01:26:08 <quaid> does anyone want to do something *more* on Saturday?
01:26:15 <quaid> we could invite people all day on Saturday
01:26:22 <quaid> I could mention it at the end of the keynote :)
01:26:24 <lcafiero> OK, I'm told registration starts at 8 on Friday and we can move into the room at 8:01.
01:26:27 <quaid> so we might actually get attendees :D
01:26:37 <quaid> and do a user-/genera-audience focus
01:26:57 <quaid> lcafiero: ok, I'll be down for breakfast by 7:30 to bum rush the room
01:27:19 <quaid> #topic Saturday night BoF?
01:27:27 <tatica> lol
01:27:47 <quaid> tatica: yeah! zodbot doesn't have ops here, but I bet it shows up in the log output later :D :D
01:28:20 <quaid> herlo lcafiero VileGent vwbusguy - <3 it? h8 it?
01:28:34 * quaid mixes *icons
01:29:18 <lcafiero> love/hate what?
01:29:24 <lcafiero> zodbot or BoF?
01:29:26 <herlo> quaid: Saturday Bof?
01:29:29 <quaid> yes
01:29:29 <lcafiero> Oh
01:29:31 <quaid> the BoF
01:29:39 <herlo> all day bof?
01:29:48 <quaid> Sat 8 pm to 10 pm
01:30:01 <quaid> #link http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/special-events/birds-feather
01:30:34 <quaid> Midway or Logan
01:30:41 <quaid> I vote Logan because then we maybe can get in early
01:31:03 <VileGent> well i dont think i have an opinion on the bof because i will be heading for the airport
01:31:03 <lcafiero> Oh, right. Logan would be good.
01:31:11 <quaid> VileGent: gotcha
01:31:18 <quaid> VileGent: but it's the last place you'll be for the night
01:31:28 <quaid> session close at 7
01:31:32 <herlo> oh, well I'm fine with that time for a bof
01:31:34 <quaid> so there is tight timing for dinner
01:31:39 <quaid> we can order in pizza :)
01:31:43 <herlo> let's do that
01:31:45 <quaid> and sort out the where-to-eat in real time
01:31:47 <herlo> kids will love it
01:31:49 <lcafiero> If they'll let us.
01:31:49 <quaid> word!
01:31:55 <herlo> lcafiero: to our rooms
01:31:59 <lcafiero> Oh.
01:32:00 <herlo> we can do that no matter what
01:32:04 <quaid> totes
01:32:04 <lcafiero> OK! YEAH!
01:32:07 <quaid> sweet
01:32:09 <herlo> so if they don't let us on the floor :)
01:32:13 * vwbusguy IS BACK
01:32:17 <vwbusguy> sorry, caps
01:32:18 <herlo> or we could eat it at the pool
01:32:20 <quaid> hey vwbusguy
01:32:37 <quaid> vwbusguy: open question "do we have a BoF on SAt night from after-7-pm to 10 pm"
01:32:42 <quaid> there is a room open from 8 to 10
01:32:45 <quaid> or the pool!
01:32:46 <vwbusguy> yesr
01:32:49 <quaid> dud
01:32:51 <VileGent> ok now back to my origional question
01:32:52 <quaid> dude!
01:32:57 <vwbusguy> We are near Santa Monica
01:33:02 <quaid> #idea BoF at the pool
01:33:06 <vwbusguy> so we could try some night-beach attraction
01:33:11 <vwbusguy> campfire?
01:33:15 <quaid> if we can get the wireless router by the window over the pool again ...
01:33:24 <vwbusguy> quick ?, what's a BoF
01:33:28 <quaid> birds of a feather
01:33:31 <lcafiero> Birds of a Feather
01:33:34 <quaid> it's a session where people
01:33:39 * lcafiero doesn't type as fast as quaid
01:33:39 <quaid> who are intersted in $something
01:33:43 <quaid> come to hear and talk about $something
01:33:55 <quaid> lcafiero: i skipped the caps key
01:33:59 <vwbusguy> ah
01:34:07 <quaid> vwbusguy: common at Linux shows
01:34:12 <vwbusguy> quaid, as far as dinner, maybe we could also find something in nearby Santa Monia
01:34:15 <vwbusguy> *Monica
01:34:33 <quaid> if you look at the sessions for SCALE, you'll see they are topical by free software stuff
01:34:36 * vwbusguy wishes we could find an excuse to go to Santa Monica beach during daylight at some point suring this
01:34:46 <quaid> vwbusguy: +1 to Santa Monica for Friday dinner
01:35:03 <quaid> vwbusguy: Sat. morning?
01:35:08 <quaid> Sunday after event close?
01:35:11 <quaid> sunday morning?
01:35:13 <vwbusguy> ugg, define morning
01:35:24 <quaid> lcafiero: we get to setup booths Friday night?
01:35:25 * vwbusguy is driving from Azusa, and is not a morning person :-)
01:35:48 <quaid> #link http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/conference-schedule-feb-19-2010
01:36:02 <quaid> registration Sat is 9 to 10
01:36:03 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, about what time do you have to get there last Friday?
01:36:05 <quaid> if we are all set Friday night
01:36:12 <quaid> then you don't need to show at the hotel until 9:45
01:36:20 <lcafiero> Eastern time
01:36:21 <lcafiero> :-)
01:36:26 <quaid> meaning you could head to the beach at 8 and have an hour :)
01:36:37 <vwbusguy> quaid, lol, you can if you want
01:36:44 <vwbusguy> quaid, I'll meet u at SCaLE at 9
01:36:48 * quaid lives near the beach
01:36:55 * vwbusguy lives near the mountains
01:37:03 <quaid> mountains are nice too :)
01:37:17 <quaid> ok ...
01:37:26 <quaid> anyone want to be the driver for the BoF?
01:37:45 <vwbusguy> my Jeep fits 4, depending on how you define "comfortably"
01:37:53 * quaid can do it but doesn't want to take all the fun stuff :)
01:38:14 <quaid> ah, by driver I mean, person taking responsibility to make it happen
01:38:40 <vwbusguy> so what all do we do during BoF again?
01:38:42 <quaid> email gareth@; get flyers done; make up some press release about it for the Fedora Marketing world; make us all blog about it; make sure ...
01:38:46 <vwbusguy> We had that at OLF last year iirc
01:38:47 <quaid> vwbusguy: good question
01:39:03 <quaid> typically ... from my own experience only ...
01:39:21 <quaid> it's a few people *from* $something, who are talking with anyone interested in $something
01:39:31 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  we have a BOF at OLF if we have enough people
01:39:33 <quaid> it can be a panel format, one person, or a round discussion in the audience seats
01:39:51 <quaid> so it's going to always have one person who needs the open source definition made for them
01:39:55 <quaid> a few journalists potentially
01:40:04 <VileGent> round discussion about Fedora seems to be a good topic
01:40:16 <quaid> sometimes a person with a grief against Red Hat, Fedora, or some "part" of it
01:40:20 <quaid> (usually yum or rpm)
01:40:37 <quaid> ... and I'm skilled with that and willing to teach how it's done :)
01:40:51 <VileGent> quaid,  havent had that experience yet
01:40:52 <quaid> and general range of people with a technical or business interest in Fedora
01:40:59 <quaid> VileGent: ;-)
01:41:12 <quaid> haven't had to handle people pissed off at Fedora for something?
01:41:17 <quaid> wow
01:41:28 <VileGent> at the booth yes but not in a BOF
01:42:05 <quaid> ah!
01:42:12 <VileGent> troll is a troll  and i have been handleing them for years in #fedora
01:42:13 <quaid> yeah, it's usually not as bad at a BoF
01:42:21 <quaid> VileGent: I mean, yeah! that's what I thought :)
01:42:28 <lcafiero> We can set up on Friday.
01:42:38 <quaid> I just point out that it's better than it was in these days:
01:42:42 <quaid> #link http://lwn.net/Articles/83360/
01:42:48 <quaid> sweet
01:42:58 <quaid> lcafiero and I are arriving on Thu.
01:43:05 <quaid> so can do early stuff on Fri and get that organized
01:43:16 <herlo> nice
01:44:44 <quaid> ok ...
01:44:54 <quaid> sorry for the long meeting folks
01:45:02 <quaid> we are through the important stuff I see on the agenda
01:45:04 <quaid> down to
01:45:06 <quaid> #topic Misc ...
01:45:18 <quaid> Misc.
01:45:19 <quaid> * What needs printing in advance? * What gear do we have, what do we need? * What are we shipping? * What might not make it? * Can we find something with the Sugar presenter(s)?
01:45:43 <VileGent> rooms
01:46:00 <quaid> what sort of rooms?
01:46:13 * quaid has a hotel room topic, too
01:46:15 <VileGent> hotel rooms question i posted hours ago
01:46:18 <quaid> oh, sorry!
01:46:21 <quaid> VileGent: please repeat
01:46:33 * quaid thinks he has been a blocker here so can unblock now perhaps
01:46:53 <VileGent> ok are we paying for the room and getting reembursted or the rooms going to be prepaid
01:47:11 <quaid> there we go
01:47:18 <quaid> that's what I was wanting to talk about too
01:47:35 <quaid> I don't think we have a way to prepay
01:47:39 <quaid> if we do, I could consider that
01:47:42 <vwbusguy> right
01:47:47 <quaid> but what happens is, the hotel doesn't charge until the end
01:47:59 <quaid> so they can nail you for moving the nuts can from the unmarked tray
01:48:05 * quaid true story ...
01:48:11 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, did Max followup on your email?
01:48:17 <quaid> I blocked that one
01:48:18 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, I just got CC'd on one this week
01:48:24 <quaid> the question was to me
01:48:33 <quaid> can I put it on my Red Hat credit card
01:48:34 <lcafiero> Right, the question was to quaid
01:48:59 * lcafiero confirms quaid's story
01:49:10 <quaid> and the answer is, no, I cannot, I have to put it on a personal card, which really means paying cash for it ...
01:49:19 <quaid> and I forget what the other option was?
01:49:26 <quaid> somehow get reimbursed from max?
01:49:30 <lcafiero> getting reimbursed from max
01:49:45 <quaid> ick
01:49:45 * vwbusguy wishes Max were alive and with us today
01:49:53 <quaid> well, we can do this part without him
01:49:56 <quaid> he's all FOSDEMy
01:50:08 <VileGent> yep
01:50:08 <quaid> so, if there is anyone a'swimming with cash and or credit
01:50:18 <quaid> and wants to cover their own ROOM
01:50:24 <quaid> and then wait for max/and or I to churn on it
01:50:27 <vwbusguy> since we have housing budgetted for SaLE it would be most nice if we could cover this without having to reimburse individuals
01:50:27 <quaid> you are welcome to
01:50:31 <vwbusguy> *SCaLE
01:50:31 <quaid> and should declare that now
01:50:43 <quaid> yep, I agree with vwbusguy
01:50:53 <quaid> I need to know what that fee is going to be
01:51:07 <lcafiero> It's $115 per room per night, the SCALE rate
01:51:09 <quaid> and of course, will beat on the bills with a hammer, as a I did last time
01:51:15 <vwbusguy> quaid, just curious as to why the RH card isn't an option?  They don't take Am Express?
01:51:18 <quaid> x = rooms
01:51:24 <quaid> x = rooms count
01:51:27 <quaid> y = 115
01:51:38 <quaid> vwbusguy: I don't have an RH card :)
01:51:45 <vwbusguy> lol
01:51:53 <herlo> quaid: uh, y not
01:51:53 <quaid> and it's not AMEX any longer
01:52:01 <quaid> but it's a freaking DEBIT Visa
01:52:09 <vwbusguy> haha
01:52:10 * quaid pauses to let that sink in ...
01:52:18 <vwbusguy> Oh the times they are a-changing
01:52:46 <quaid> herlo: i fucked up with my expenses turnaround, biffed too many payment cycles that wouldn't have mattered if it were a credit card, and I paid The Price :)
01:53:07 * quaid declares that like an alcoholic, ifyouknowwhatImean :)
01:53:17 <quaid> um, so ...
01:53:26 <quaid> what is the room count?
01:53:32 <quaid> 4 a night?
01:53:41 <vwbusguy> you and herlo have nonos
01:53:48 <lcafiero> Calculating now, quaid.
01:53:53 <vwbusguy> VileGent is flying solo, as is lcafiero, correct
01:53:55 <lcafiero> Room for Vilegent
01:54:11 <lcafiero> I am staying as SCALE staff, so no room for me.
01:54:13 <vwbusguy> *ninos
01:54:15 <vwbusguy> not nonos
01:54:21 <lcafiero> herlo
01:54:26 <lcafiero> + brood
01:54:31 <lcafiero> quaid and brood
01:54:38 <vwbusguy> cool, so quaid + kids, herlo + kids, and VileGent
01:54:47 <quaid> 3
01:54:51 <vwbusguy> yes
01:54:52 <lcafiero> so that's three rooms times four nights
01:54:58 <lcafiero> no, three nights
01:55:00 <vwbusguy> I wouldn't mind staying there and saving some gas
01:55:02 <lcafiero> thurs, fri, sat
01:55:05 <quaid> sorry 4
01:55:12 <vwbusguy> but if we need to save some $$$, I can drive back and forth from Azusa
01:55:16 <VileGent> thur fri sat for me
01:55:17 <quaid> that's 3 nights
01:55:19 <herlo> vwbusguy: what's a nonos?
01:55:24 <vwbusguy> herlo, ninos
01:55:27 <vwbusguy> herlo, it's a typos
01:55:30 <lcafiero> would you room with VileGent, vwbusguy?
01:55:31 <herlo> oh...
01:55:32 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  you can share the room with me
01:55:35 <vwbusguy> herlo, it means little boys in Californian
01:55:35 <herlo> saw that now
01:55:44 <herlo> vwbusguy: or little childrens
01:55:50 <lcafiero> three rooms, three nights,
01:55:52 * quaid tiene hijas
01:56:06 <lcafiero> 115 times 9 = 990?
01:56:14 * lcafiero did that off the top of my head.
01:56:21 <inode0> looks like it
01:56:21 <vwbusguy> VileGent, I might take u on that
01:56:29 <vwbusguy> *up
01:56:29 <quaid> I still count 4
01:56:32 <herlo> lcafiero: that's not right
01:56:41 <lcafiero> Yeah, that's why I got into journalism
01:56:43 <herlo> it's 990 + 5*9
01:56:52 <quaid> oh
01:56:56 <vwbusguy> lcafiero, how are you getting 4?
01:56:56 <herlo> because 110 * 9 is 990
01:56:57 <quaid> lcafiero is covered
01:56:58 <lcafiero> three rooms
01:57:03 <lcafiero> I didn't get four, I got three
01:57:09 * quaid got four
01:57:16 <quaid> I forgot SCALE is paying for lcafiero
01:57:17 * herlo got five
01:57:19 <lcafiero> VileGent/ vwbusguy in one, herlo, you
01:57:20 <vwbusguy> VileGent, you're flying back Saturday, correct?
01:57:32 <quaid> yeah, we keep the room open Sat though
01:57:48 * quaid will put the kids in there if he has to :)
01:57:48 <VileGent> yes
01:58:36 <quaid> ok, then
01:58:39 <VileGent> 115 x9 =1035
01:59:02 * herlo did the math right :)
01:59:04 <lcafiero> Right -- that's about what was budgeted, I think ($1100)
01:59:14 <VileGent> 12 x 115 1380
01:59:30 <lcafiero> How do you get 12?
01:59:47 <VileGent> 4 rooms 3 nite or 3 rooms for 4 nites
02:00:01 <lcafiero> Ah
02:00:41 <quaid> but we are doing 3x3
02:00:42 <quaid> yes?
02:00:58 <quaid> #action quaid to cover hotel room expenses
02:01:14 <quaid> I've got a new system
02:01:25 <quaid> I use my cell phone to photograph the receipt at the site of sale
02:01:29 <quaid> e.g. right at the dinner table
02:01:45 <quaid> then it's in my inbox to attach to the expense when I get next to the laptop :)
02:02:17 <quaid> so there is a set of questions in the agenda here ...
02:02:21 <vwbusguy-> back
02:02:27 <quaid> what needs printing in advance?
02:02:27 <vwbusguy-> jigdo-lite crashed and took everything with it
02:02:42 <quaid> * flyers - Sat speakers; BoF; ???
02:02:47 <quaid> * banner ???
02:02:58 <quaid> else?
02:03:16 <quaid> Do we need any new gear?
02:03:22 <quaid> * power cords or strips?
02:03:39 <quaid> #action quaid has too many ethernet cables and will repack event box with them
02:03:39 <lcafiero> power cords and strips -- let me check what we have and what we need, if anything
02:03:57 <lcafiero> we have a banner -- horizontal -- the one we used for OSCON
02:04:25 <lcafiero> flyers -- speakers and . . . . ?
02:04:44 <quaid> Media:
02:04:47 <quaid> * CDs/DVDs
02:04:53 <quaid> * USB keys (event box has a few)
02:05:06 <quaid> T shirts and other gear?
02:05:15 <lcafiero> Media: check (lots)
02:05:23 <vwbusguy> jds2001, ping
02:05:24 <lcafiero> That's all I have, though. No other swag. Need some
02:05:42 <lcafiero> I think I have about 10 white t-shirts and about 20 buttons.
02:05:51 <lcafiero> Need to do the loaves-and-fishes thing
02:05:55 <VileGent> hopefully some will be in the mail this week
02:06:09 <quaid> anything we need to ship to the event?
02:06:46 <lcafiero> We could ship the event box down to save on space in the van
02:06:51 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  anywhere close to get a stack of 25 dvds close to the hotel?
02:06:58 * vwbusguy lost connection earlier, quaid what are our options for paying for hotel?
02:07:07 <VileGent> and i am bringing aobut 50 buttons
02:07:19 <quaid> lcafiero: that's an idea ...
02:07:21 <vwbusguy> VileGent, lemme look, close as in 10 minutes, probably
02:07:40 <quaid> vwbusguy: I'm covering hotel costs for 3 rooms, 3 nights @115 a night
02:07:40 <VileGent> cool i will want to burn re-spins on site
02:07:45 <lcafiero> I wish we still had the paint splotch Fedora shirts -- those are great
02:07:56 <quaid> I will fight to get bogus charges removed, but any movies you rent, you pay for with cash at the counter :)
02:08:00 <VileGent> i will be wearing mine
02:08:17 <lcafiero> We have the netbook set up to burn USB drives
02:08:27 <lcafiero> Or we need to update that (I can do that)
02:08:28 <vwbusguy> Fry's is nearby
02:08:34 <quaid> are we at risk for _anything_?
02:08:35 <vwbusguy> just to the south of LAX
02:08:38 <quaid> anything not making it?
02:09:08 <vwbusguy> quaid, I'm not paying for VileGent's pr0n
02:09:13 <lcafiero> I don't think so. I'll ship the box down
02:09:16 <quaid> vwbusguy: just don't even go there :)
02:09:18 <lcafiero> I'll pick that up for you VileGent
02:09:19 <lcafiero> :-)
02:09:20 <vwbusguy> haha
02:09:29 <quaid> no shrimp, prawns, nor nothing on room charges shall I pay :)
02:09:45 * quaid does an aikido deflection
02:09:46 <lcafiero> And, seriously, don't touch anything on the tray.
02:09:51 <quaid> seriously
02:10:41 <VileGent> what tray??
02:10:49 <quaid> not sure I ever wrote that blog post
02:10:51 <lcafiero> In the room
02:10:52 <quaid> VileGent: in the hotel room
02:10:54 <quaid> there is a tray
02:10:55 <quaid> with goodies on it
02:10:57 <lcafiero> There's a tray that has stuff on it
02:10:57 <quaid> and a fridge
02:10:59 <quaid> full of goodies
02:11:00 <VileGent> oh ok
02:11:06 <quaid> if you open the fridge or move anything off the tray
02:11:09 <quaid> for more than a few seconds
02:11:15 <quaid> it automatically charges your bill
02:11:18 <lcafiero> I think one of the kids picked up something and they charged quaid, like, $30
02:11:23 <VileGent> i will take a pic of it when i enter the room
02:11:32 <quaid> ideally, the room crew checks, restocks, and removes mistake charges
02:11:40 <lcafiero> ideally
02:11:42 <quaid> I picked up a can of nuts and raisins
02:11:46 <quaid> to put behind a Fedora sign
02:11:48 <quaid> in the window
02:11:52 <quaid> to see if we could see it from the pool
02:12:13 <quaid> the hotel seemed to have a lot of extra surprise charges
02:12:17 <quaid> so i vow to read it all carefully now
02:12:39 <VileGent> and as i leave the room take another pic
02:12:56 <quaid> ok
02:13:00 <quaid> and that is all the topics
02:13:04 <quaid> save for
02:13:09 <quaid> #  Recruiting
02:13:09 <quaid> * How can we attract more contributors?
02:13:09 <quaid> * Any presenters or other expo members who may be interested in talking to?
02:13:12 <quaid> # Budget happy?
02:13:13 <VileGent> if possible i would like to get a early checkin if possible
02:13:19 <vwbusguy> me getting the banners in the mail :-)
02:13:30 <quaid> lcafiero: how do we order those hotel rooms?
02:13:42 <VileGent> we will hassle jds2001  this week
02:13:45 <vwbusguy> quaid, u need the phone #?
02:14:05 <quaid> well, there is this other thing ...
02:14:09 <quaid> self-service is a good thing
02:14:15 <lcafiero> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/hotel-information
02:14:22 <quaid> and the credit card that pays for it doesn't have to be the one that holds the room :)
02:14:28 <lcafiero> Ask for the Linux Expo rate, which is the $115
02:14:52 * quaid just making sure he isn't taking on unneeded work
02:15:01 <quaid> also, some folks prefer to book their own stuff
02:15:12 <inode0> did anyone just check travelocity?
02:15:23 <lcafiero> I didn't.
02:15:31 <VileGent> its higher
02:15:54 <lcafiero> Besides, $115 is a pretty good rate for this hotel, imho
02:15:59 <vwbusguy> we get a special rate with SCaLE
02:16:06 <vwbusguy> it's less than Westin's website
02:16:26 <VileGent> better than travelocity
02:16:28 <quaid> it's likely to be the lower
02:16:47 <VileGent> or at least it was when i started looking to come
02:17:07 <lcafiero> Right, and SCaLE arranged for the special rate and I think the hotel is counting the number of people staying there for the expo
02:18:53 * inode0 just checked, you check the current travelocity rate :)
02:19:09 <inode0> you get - it is $115 too
02:19:31 <quaid> all I'd be looking for
02:19:38 <quaid> and it's good to book with the expo
02:19:52 <VileGent> 122 is the travelocity rate for westin LAX
02:20:06 <VileGent> not the one downtown
02:20:30 <vwbusguy> and booking for SCaLE helps for future SCaLE
02:20:44 <quaid> ok, do we have anything more for the in-meeting part?
02:20:55 <quaid> there are a few unanswered questions from the agenda (me!)
02:21:03 <lcafiero> Like . . .
02:21:24 <VileGent> so we need to call and make our own reservation correct?
02:21:25 <quaid> recruiting
02:21:30 <quaid> budget happy?
02:21:37 <lcafiero> I think the budget is OK.
02:21:37 <quaid> who is making reservation?
02:22:05 <lcafiero> let's take roll: VileGent -- make your own reservation?
02:22:08 <lcafiero> herlo?
02:22:11 <lcafiero> quaid?
02:22:20 <quaid> VileGent: my thinking is ... if we can do it, let's have folks be able to book their own room with own preferences, etc.
02:22:33 <VileGent> i can
02:23:35 <lcafiero> I think herlo's capable
02:23:56 * quaid adds some stuff to the collective link mind about last year's event
02:23:59 <quaid> #link http://iquaid.org/2009/02/23/its-more-than-a-passing-fad-the-bad/
02:24:08 <quaid> #link http://iquaid.org/2009/02/21/its-more-than-a-passing-fad-the-good/
02:24:27 <VileGent> but do i need to do it for 4 nights and not 3?
02:24:29 <quaid> I never wrote the ugly because ...
02:24:37 <quaid> well I didn't want to really diss people :)
02:24:47 <quaid> VileGent: sorry, when are you arriving?
02:24:56 <VileGent> thursday
02:25:06 <quaid> ok, so Thu + Fri + Sat = 3
02:25:10 <VileGent> leaving sat
02:25:12 <quaid> but I see your dilemma if you aren't there to close the room
02:25:23 <VileGent> yes
02:25:43 <quaid> ok, that means the sanest thing to do
02:25:46 <quaid> is for me to book it
02:25:50 <quaid> and if I'm book to 2/3
02:25:53 <quaid> I might as well do all 3
02:26:17 * quaid missing anything?
02:26:21 <VileGent> what time are you planning to get there thursday
02:26:45 <quaid> good question
02:26:46 <VileGent> actually everyone besides me and herlo at this point
02:27:02 <lcafiero> If we leave 8ish, quaid, maybe 4ish?
02:27:02 <quaid> plan? 5 o 6
02:27:11 <lcafiero> OK
02:27:17 <VileGent> pm
02:27:40 <quaid> VileGent: they should only require a card at checkin for incidentals added after booking
02:27:51 <vwbusguy> I have a class in Pasadena Thursday evening
02:27:54 <quaid> so if you are willing to surrender plastic for that, i can book it, you can get in the room early
02:27:55 <VileGent> ?
02:27:55 <vwbusguy> I can see about getting out of it
02:28:07 <quaid> vwbusguy: or you can come down after it's done and stay the night?
02:28:15 <vwbusguy> yeah, I could
02:28:16 <quaid> save the gas and be all in the circle all the time :)
02:28:28 <vwbusguy> it gets out ~8:20 but Pasadena isn't too far
02:28:34 * quaid has done the back-forth, mainly for kids/wife reasons, and now just brings the kids with him :)
02:28:56 <quaid> VileGent: well, if I'm not there, I believe you can check in anyway
02:29:00 * quaid can check on this when booking
02:29:05 <quaid> but they require a card on check in
02:29:13 <quaid> in case you eat the nuts or drink a Fanta
02:29:46 <quaid> I'm presuming 5ish is after you are arriving, and you said above you wanted an early checkin
02:29:52 <VileGent> well i can do that for my room when i get there
02:29:59 <quaid> ok, then that covers that
02:30:15 <VileGent> i arrive a 11AM
02:30:15 <quaid> #action quaid to book all 3 hotel rooms, check that people can check-in independently with their own card
02:30:22 <quaid> oh!
02:30:27 <quaid> I just realized, herlo isn't there until Friday
02:30:44 <VileGent> till your card gets there :)
02:30:51 <quaid> so it's ((2 * 3) + 1) * $115
02:31:04 <quaid> sorry
02:31:13 <quaid> so it's ((2 * 3) + (2*2) + 1) * $115
02:31:19 <quaid> sorry!
02:31:21 * quaid is dumb
02:31:22 <quaid> anyway
02:31:30 <quaid> I know what to do now
02:31:33 <inode0> huh?
02:31:34 <lcafiero> Well, don't let me near that equation
02:31:35 <VileGent> who is the second for 2 nites
02:31:42 <quaid> herlo
02:31:42 <lcafiero> It should come out to about what we have budgeted
02:31:53 <VileGent> who was the first
02:31:58 <quaid> me
02:32:10 <quaid> this is big budget, not ambassadors portion
02:32:20 <VileGent> you not going be there satuday nite?
02:32:29 <quaid> ambassador portion is ... (1*3) + (1*2)
02:32:34 <quaid> herlo arrives Friday
02:32:44 <VileGent> yes
02:33:03 <vwbusguy> if it would help, I can also arrive Friday morning
02:33:03 <VileGent> 2 x3 + 1
02:33:26 <quaid> 2 herlos + 3 vilegents == $Ambassadors_budget
02:33:32 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  doesnt matter since i am there thursday
02:33:38 <quaid> $Ambassadors_budget + 3 quaids == total spend
02:34:06 <vwbusguy> Is Paul coming?
02:34:09 <quaid> any calls against that figure?
02:34:22 <quaid> I have not heard that paul is coming
02:34:30 <lcafiero> No, I don't believe he is.
02:34:35 <vwbusguy> k
02:34:41 <quaid> poor guy travels too much :)
02:34:44 <VileGent> ok i thought you were counted in the ambassor budget
02:34:45 <vwbusguy> I heard a rumor a long, long time ago and hadn't heard anything since
02:34:56 <lcafiero> And after quaid beat him out for the keynote . . . :-)
02:35:00 <quaid> VileGent: I am not, to be clear
02:35:01 <vwbusguy> lol
02:35:04 <VileGent> ok
02:35:17 <VileGent> 7 @115 then
02:35:35 <lcafiero> actually, I asked Paul to come and asked if he was interested in submitting a keynote
02:35:36 <quaid> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_8x_Event#Budget
02:35:42 <quaid> that shows the breakdown
02:35:42 <VileGent> which brings us under budget
02:35:49 <lcafiero> that was a long time ago, so that's where you might have heard that.
02:35:53 <quaid> VileGent: 8 @$115
02:35:55 <vwbusguy> quaid, can u make sure if you re-post this meeting to sanitize it to remove the URL to the pdf I posted above?
02:36:14 <quaid> vwbusguy: I don't think it's easy
02:36:18 * vwbusguy seond guesses himself for posting that link here
02:36:18 * inode0 humbly suggests leaving the rooms to quaid to sort out :)
02:36:21 <quaid> vwbusguy: you are best to just (re)move it
02:36:39 <vwbusguy> quaid, that I cannot do
02:36:40 <quaid> vwbusguy: I was going to suggest that anyway :)
02:36:44 <quaid> oh
02:36:49 <quaid> dropbox is forevah?
02:37:02 <quaid> zodbot autologs
02:37:05 <vwbusguy> not my dropbox :-)
02:37:08 <quaid> ah
02:37:14 <vwbusguy> that's the link that was sent me
02:37:19 <quaid> word
02:37:23 <inode0> jds2001 can go clean it
02:37:35 <quaid> I was going to say, yes, someone can
02:37:42 <quaid> we'll ask jds2001 before we post the URL
02:37:58 <VileGent> ambassadors 5 +quaid 3 =8 yes
02:38:17 <quaid> ok, then!
02:38:25 <quaid> I call this a long but successful online meeting
02:38:49 <vwbusguy> #agreed
02:39:00 <quaid> ok then :)
02:39:09 <quaid> anything else before I close it?
02:39:17 <VileGent> so budget wise the ambassadors part we are under budget
02:39:22 <quaid> good
02:39:31 <quaid> is that the end or start of the Q?
02:39:38 <lcafiero> +1
02:40:19 <VileGent> i am done
02:40:41 <quaid> I mean, is Feb 22 the end of the Ambassadors quarter?
02:40:49 <vwbusguy> VileGent, we're never under-budget, because we haven't counted our beer fund
02:40:54 <quaid> if there is money there that needs spending
02:40:56 <quaid> exactly
02:41:05 <quaid> we have Fri and Sat nights to buy stuff :)
02:41:20 <lcafiero> heh
02:41:28 <quaid> ok
02:41:29 <vwbusguy> which reminds me
02:41:31 <vwbusguy> budget question
02:41:36 <vwbusguy> while we're here
02:41:47 <VileGent> vwbusguy,  you are forgetting something
02:41:55 <VileGent> quaid,  yes it is
02:42:00 <vwbusguy> parking is $14/day, quaid do you think that would also be duly covered?
02:42:05 <VileGent> i dont drink beer
02:42:20 <vwbusguy> VileGent, more for me! :-)
02:42:26 <quaid> we should cover parking for the team, yeah
02:42:31 <vwbusguy> VileGent, maybe get you some MD20/20
02:42:55 <quaid> if we're going to leave multiple cars for days. we can look in to near-by better deals
02:43:00 <quaid> the hotel has plenty of space :)
02:43:08 <VileGent> vwbusguy, we have cut the budget by 3 nites  so we can cover parking and proable some gas
02:43:19 <vwbusguy> quaid, $14/day is about as good as it gets for LAX tbh
02:43:27 <vwbusguy> quaid, any less and you'll deal with security issues
02:43:50 <quaid> word up
02:43:59 <quaid> that's not much to pay for convenience too
02:44:11 * vwbusguy never parks at or near LAX
02:44:12 <quaid> as you leave, we'll do that payup together
02:44:21 <quaid> I'll leave with our crew after closing on Sunday
02:44:28 <quaid> we're not "rushing"
02:45:08 <quaid> any other budget stuff?
02:46:11 <quaid> vwbusguy: I got nb in #fedora-admin ready to remove the URL ...
02:46:23 <quaid> caveat - it's not perfect, others here are likely logging, but it removes it
02:46:33 <quaid> from the regularly crawled *fedoraproject.org
02:46:37 <vwbusguy> quaid, do it :-)
02:46:41 <quaid> will do
02:46:51 <quaid> ok ... countdown ...
02:46:52 <quaid> 5
02:46:54 <quaid> 4
02:46:54 <quaid> 3
02:46:56 <quaid> 2
02:46:59 <quaid> 1
02:47:01 <quaid> #endmeeting